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What is Group art therapy?

In the mental space studios an hours group art therapy session is designed for you and two of your friends or family to reconnect. The session is roughly divided into three parts; first focusing on what’s on your mind using an image, second art making and finally connecting and supporting each other through your art work.

First select an image from the table and share it with the group.

First select an image from the table and share it with the group.

Focusing on what’s on your mind - At the start of the session you select an image from the table and talk about why you chose that image. Each person takes a turn and shares whatever thoughts they have about the image. An essential part of group art therapy is feeling comfortable enough to express your feelings, good, bad and everything in-between. In this part of the group art therapy we establish a new therapeutic way of connecting with each other. I ask that you pay close attention to your own thoughts and feelings when listening to each other as this is vital emotional information about you.

Second the art making, all the art materials are laid out for you to choose from.

Second the art making, all the art materials are laid out for you to choose from.

Art making - The art materials are all laid out for you to choose. Together we look at the materials, what are you attracted to using? It is important to follow your feelings in regards to the art materials. Everyone has a unique relationship with different materials and this can change from session to session. For example, maybe you would like to use some clay to push out a little anger? Or acrylic paint to loosen a ruminating thought or just want to rip up a magazine and see what happens? The art materials help us get in touch with the sensory nature of your thoughts and feelings. During the art making you work in silence to allow each other to dive into your own unique experience with the art materials. Everything that happens at the art table holds information for you about your inner world. It is important to remember that we have no interest in your technical ability as an artist as we seek only to use the art process to connect with your emotions.

Finally connecting to the artwork, you use the artwork as a way to reflect on your experience.

Finally connecting to the artwork, you use the artwork as a way to reflect on your experience.

Connecting to the artwork - Together we sit down and look at your artworks. You use the artwork as a way to reflect on your experience with the group and draw out the elements that hold meaning for you. As a group we listen and explore the content of your art with curiosity and empathy. The group supports each other during this sharing and each person gets a chance to reflect on the feelings that emerge during this part of the group. You may have noticed patterns in your own thinking and will gain awareness between what you tell yourself and what others actually feel. You will be amazed by how much you learn about your own ability to connect with others. I ensure that all members of the group feel safe and supported and the group can emerge with greater understanding of each other and flourish as unique individuals, together.