Bushfires and mental health
Communities and individuals affected by bushfire can experience a range of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can be intense, confusing and frightening.
These are common reactions to an extraordinary situation. Fear, for example, is an important and normal reaction that helps activate our body and mind to make decisions to protect our own life and the lives of loved ones, friends and neighbours. It is also normal for the memory of intense fear to stay with us.
After a bushfire many people deal with memories and ongoing feelings by drawing on their own strengths, as well as the support of others, and will gradually rebuild their lives and achieve a sense of wellbeing again.
However, it is common that some people struggle to deal with feelings and thoughts that result from a bushfire or from the tragic losses that may occur. It's important to know the difference between a common reaction to a stressful or traumatic event and signs that indicate you should seek additional support.
Common reactions
These reactions can be severe and are at their worst in the first week after the event, however, in most cases, they fade over a month. If your day-to-day functioning is seriously affected for more than one month after the event, it's important to discuss it with a GP or mental health professional. These reactions include:
feeling overwhelmed
feeling numb and detached
inability to focus
inability to plan ahead
constant tearfulness
intrusive memories or bad dreams related to the bushfires
sleep disturbances
constant questioning – "What if I had done x, y or z, instead?"
'replaying' the event and inventing different outcomes in order to be prepared should it happen again.
It is also important to understand that a friend, loved one or work colleague may see these reactions in you, often when you do not. They may see you are detached, unfocused, anxious, or tearful without provocation. Listen to the opinions of those you trust. It is a sign of respect to friends and family to act on their advice and discuss these issues with a GP or mental health professional.
Beyond a common reaction
If you experience any of these symptoms at any time, seek help from a GP or mental health professional:
a sense that your emotional and/or physical reactions are not normal
thoughts of self-harm or of ending your life
loss of hope or interest in the future
avoiding things that bring back memories of what happened to the point where you're unable to carry out day-to-day tasks
frequently being easily startled e.g. jumping when a door slams, and then taking a long time to calm down
feeling overwhelming fear for no obvious reason
panic attack symptoms: increased heart rate, breathlessness, shakiness, dizziness and a sudden urge to go to the toilet
excessive guilt about things that were or weren't said and done.
Dealing with the emotional impact of a bushfire
spend time with people who care
give yourself time
find out about the impact of trauma and what to expect
try to keep a routine going
talk about how you feel about what happened when you are ready
do things that help you relax
set realistic goals that keep you motivated, but don't take on too much (most people in this situation talk of recovery as a journey not a sprint)
review and reward progress – notice even the small steps
be prepared for times when you feel you are making no progress, everyone experiences this
talk about the ups and downs of recovery with friends, family and the health professionals involved in your care
have a plan to maintain positive changes and plans to deal with times of stress or reminders of the trauma.
Get Support
Get immediate, free and confidential support
National help lines and websites
Information for families about childcare services
Useful links
How to deal with traumatic stress
PTSD: signs, symptoms and available treatments
Children and young people
How to support children following a natural disaster
How to support children during traumatic events
How to talk to children about news events
These days it’s hard to escape media about the bushfires disaster – and it’s pretty much impossible to shield children from it. Children are especially sensitive to upsetting news and learn how to feel about something by watching and modelling adults’ reactions. Keeping things secret can add to their sense of anxiety, fear and sadness. Your best option is to take an interest in what kids are seeing and reading and support them to understand what’s happening.
Talking to kids about scary stuff in the news (This video also has some great tips)
The current bushfires - how you can help
As widely reported, for those in the community who would like to help and are in a position to do so, monetary donations towards state-based services and charitable organisations have been identified as the most useful way to assist. These include:
Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recover
Salvation Army Disaster Appeal
Victorian Country Fire Authority
Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland
South Australian Country Fire Service
Wildlife Rescue